Homeopathy Stimulates the Body’s Natural Healing Mechanisms
Homeopathy is a two hundred year old specific, scientific system of health care originating from the idea that health can best be realized by focusing on the way that health is already manifesting rather than attempting to fight disease.
Homeopathy views disease as an expression of the body’s healing power. Symptoms represent not just a response, but the best response to a given stress, based on the organism’s present capabilities. Symptoms, however uncomfortable they may be, are an expression of the organism’s effort to heal itself.
Since symptoms are body’s best effort to heal, a curative treatment should stimulate the ongoing healing process. It makes no sense to suppress body’s efforts to heal by treating against symptoms. Symptoms benefit an organism by adjusting to the stresses impinging on it.
Homeopathy’s Popularity in the World
By the end of the twentieth century approximately 25% of practicing physicians in the United States were professed homeopaths. In the first half of this century due to complex social forces homeopathy has become largely unknown until the most modern renewed interests in natural medicine. Many well known people have been its ardent supporters, including Mark Twain, John D. Rockefeller, Mahatma Gandhi, the members of the British Royal Family and the Queen, who consults a homeopath as her personal physician.
In France over 6,000 physicians currently actively practice homeopathy and most of the pharmacies carry at least a few hundred remedies. Homeopathy is also popular and easily accessible in Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Greece houses one of the most prestigious homeopathic clinics in the world. In India there are over 70,000 practitioners of homeopathy. In Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina there are renowned homeopathic medical facilities.
Homeopathy Enhances Health by Following Natural Law of Similars
In homeopathy we start with the understanding that there are specific laws of cure which we can follow. We speak of the vital force which animates everything we call life and which includes not only the physical but emotional and mental as well. It is this vital force which is being strengthened by our homeopathic treatment.
The Law of Similars is at the heart of homeopathy. Coined in Latin by its founder, Samuel Hahneman, “Similia Similibus Curentur,” it states that a substance can help cure those symptoms which it is capable of producing in healthy individuals when administered in overdose. Even though this formulation may seem odd, conventional medicine uses the same idea in much of its treatment, only with far less precision. You may recognize some application of the Law of Similars: allergy shots consisting of administering dilute, similar antigens; gold which can cause arthritis itself used in its treatment; radiation which causes cancer is used in treating many forms of cancer; digitalis used for congestive heart failure induces precisely the same heart weakness when given in overdose. The list is extensive and includes Ritalin, an amphetamine-like drug, for hyperactive children, iodine for hyperthyroidism, colchicum for arthritis, quinine for malaria, emetine for nausea, ephedrine for asthma, rauwolfia serpentina for high blood pressure, nitroglycerine for angina, smallpox vaccination for prophylaxis, to name only a few cases in conventional medicine where the substance used to treat is the one which causes exactly the same symptoms when given in overdose.
The Law of Similars can be visualized to work like two magnets of the same pole which repel each other. The similarity between the field of the remedy and the field of the disorder enables healing to take place. The remedy repels the disease and re-introduces harmony.
Remedy Testing: “Proving”
One half of homeopathy consists of case taking and evaluating the precise pattern of the body’s healing efforts.
The other half of homeopathy is the detailed research on toxic symptoms caused by various substances. These symptoms are observed and cataloged with great care and precision. Each substance is tested, “proved” (this word was a rather phonetic translation of the German word “preufung”, meaning testing) on a group of healthy people under carefully monitored conditions. Each substance produces a unique pattern of physical and psychological symptoms. Finally the symptoms of the patient are matched to the indicated, known substance pattern. A remedy made from that substance is then administered to the patient.
Homeopathic Remedies
There are several thousand different homeopathic remedies, commonly prepared in 19 different strengths called potencies. All homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and come from the mineral, plant, animal kingdoms, as well as from disease products. The remedies are prepared by professional homeopathic pharmacists from crude substances through a unique homeopathic process called potentization. This process, unique to homeopathy, requires a carefully controlled environment as to temperature, odors, dust, light, and humidity. Remedy preparation is codified in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) which constitutes an official US Food And Drug Administration (FDA) approved standard of their preparation. Most remedies have the legal status of being considered “over the counter” medicine and are available without a prescription. Each remedy has been experimentally tested on human beings in order to determine which type of individual responds most strongly to which substance. The remedies are prepared by professional homeopathic pharmacists who are themselves members of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (AAHP).